Okay, I know I’m more than a decade late (forgive me, the show started when I was 5  so there was no way a 5 year old could’ve understood this whole stranded on a mysterious deserted monstrous island tragedy), but yesterday at 2 am (technically today), I finally finished all 6 seasons of the best show of the decade, Lost. And despite the show being one of my faves, I was still left seriously unsatisfied because some things still made no sense and made me more lost than the first season

1. Nikki and Paulo

They were only seen in 2 episodes or  so, their backstory was revealed, and they were buried alive, but …what did they have to do with the whole plot? And why did Nikki care so much about diamonds when it was completely worthless in a deserted island? I thought at least the buried alive part would have some importance in later episodes but that was never the case o.O.

2. Libby’s backstory

Image result for libby's backstory

Libby’s only purpose on the show is to serve as Hugo’s love interest and to give Desmond the boat “Elizabeth” which Libby’s husband named after her. At first, I found her character totally boring and desperately wanted her to be killed off, but after seeing her in flashbacks in a mental hospital and in a bob cut giving Desmond a boat, I got curious. How did she end up in a mental hospital and who was her rich husband? But of course, I was disappointed since her character was killed off by the insane Michael before her past was explained. Heck, she should’ve gotten her own backstory instead of Nikki and Paulo.

3. Michael’s life after death.

Why didn’t the island let Michael move on? Michael said that he couldn’t leave because he killed two innocent lives in order to get his son back from the Others. Well there’s a lot more people I can think of that has done way worse and still gets to move on to another life. I.e. Benjamin Linus. The island is just not fair.

4. The island.

It seems the show writers have forgotten, or purposely left out the biggest question on the show – How did the island come to be? How did a mysterious magical island just move around? Who made it magical? Why does it need people to protect it if it can just use its magic to protect itself? WHAT IS THE DAMN ISLAND?

5. Sayid’s love life.

One minute Sayid is chasing Nadia for 8 years in the real world and then BANG the plane crashed onto a magical deserted island and he’s in love with Shannon. Then Shannon dies. Then he gets off the island into the real world and marries Nadia, “the only thing he ever cared about.” Then she gets hit by a car and dies. Then Sayid dies.  Then in the afterlife, he kisses Shannon. What. Even. Personally, I think Shannon and Boone should’ve been together. #Shoone

6. Walt.

So, Walt gets taken away by the others because he’s special. What we never got is what did they even do to Walt? Why do people on the island keep seeing Walt?? Surely it can’t be the monster since he can only impersonate dead people…

7. The statue.

A random gigantic statue was built, and then centuries later, there’s only a foot left. So..what happened to it? Who built it? Egyptians who got killed off by Jacob’s crazy mother?

8. Desmond’s flashes are wrong.

Desmond told Charlie that according to his flashes, if he dies, then Claire and Aaron would be getting on a helicopter to leave the island. Welllllll….liar. Here’s what actually happened. Kate and Aaron left the island by helicopter because Claire was nowhere to be seen. She became infected by the monster and became crazy. Eventually, Kate had to get Claire back but they left by plane. At least Desmond got the “leave the island” part right. Just a bit odd that his flash was wrong.

10. Time mix up.

So after the Ajira plane crashed, the Oceanic 6 (minus Aaron) just disappeared. Which is odd. Confusing. Weird. But somehow, only Hurley, Jack, Sayid, and Kate time traveled back to the 1970s while Sun stayed in normal time with Benjamin and Locke; causing Sun to spend half the season looking for Jin in the wrong decade. Time travel is a bitch.

*Like* if you wish Lost had a seventh season!

Comment: What are your theories/answers to these questions?