Manifest is a popular NBC show that ran for 3 seasons, but for the majority of viewers that are enjoying it through Netflix, only 2 seasons has been released so far and fans are highly anticipating the third season to arrive sometime by late 2021 or early 2022.
For those who finished watching, the season 2 finale left fans on some major cliffhangers. Here are 7 questions that will hopefully be answered in the upcoming season:
1. Did the plane explode in another time/universe? Ben kept having a vision of the plane exploding and the visions often come true. Plus, a piece of the 828 wing was found on a boat. Is that happening in an alternate universe? Or is it somehow in the past and there might be passenger bodies found in the ocean?
2. What’s going to happen to the Major’s team? The Major ran a secret government operation with a team where they are looking to exploit the passenger’s powers. Now that Saanvi killed her, are they going to be out for revenge or stop the operation altogether?
3. Is Vance going to be in danger? Since Saanvi exposed Vance’s undercover status to the Major, has that message been passed along to the rest of the team?
4. How did the three men escape after being trapped in the ice? It seems they may have been resurrected like the 828 passengers. Imagine having to defeat immortal enemies.
5. If Zeke lives, does that mean Michaela and Jared won’t end up together? Zeke is great and all, but team Jared all the way.
6. Is Saanvi going to survive after removing the callings? It seems like everyone has a death date except Saanvi who used science to remove the callings just when they found out it could potentially be a lifesaver. We saw in Cal’s drawings that she is amongst the people who don’t survive because she refused to follow them. Hopefully, Saanvi could be the exception.
7. What exactly are the callings? Like Aiden said, the callings could potentially be evil but it has proven to help people. This is the biggest question throughout the series.
What are your theories on the callings? Plane exploding? The future of the passengers?
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