As Ben’s season wraps up soon, the topic of who’s going to be the next bachelorette gets bigger. There have been amazing girls on the show…some more notable than others. Here is our top 5 guesses on who’s going to be the next bachelorette:

5. Olivia Caridi – Yes, she’s got a lot of haters but a lot of supporters too (especially male)! She’s pretty, smart and knows what she wants! Plus, she’s the most famous bachelorette of the season! Whether you like her or now, you know its going to be an interesting season if she’s the next bachelorette.

4. Emily and Haley – Last season, the contestants on the Bachelorette had to choose between Kaitlyn and Britt. What if this season they have to choose between these two twins instead? That would be a VERY dramatic season.

3.  Jubilee – Just like the Oscars this year, the show has been lacking diversity. Plus, people love Jubilee. They love her backstory and would love to hear more of it.

2. Caila Quinn – The producers sure has been painting Caila as the sweetheart of the season and it just so happens that everyone likes her! Plus, being half Asian, she can add diversity to the show.

  1. Our top pick is …Jojo Fletcher! She comes off as an outgoing girl that’s real, smart and easy to talk to. She would make the perfect bachelorette! Plus, she reminds us a lot of Desiree Hartsock  from season 9 with her two over protective older brothers.


And as for Lauren B.? Well, we’re pretty sure she’s going to end up with Ben 😀