Ben Higgin’s season is officially O-V-E-R! But that doesn’t mean The Bachelor franchise is. If you missed all the drama happening with Ben’s ladies, you won’t have to wait long before they appear on your TV screens again in Bachelor in Paradise season 3!

In February, we listed our top 5 bachelorette predictions and not to brag, but our predictions were correct 😀 Let’s see how many Bachelor in Paradise girls we get right this time!

  1. Lace

This one we know for sure since Chris Harrison deliberately asked her to be on the show during the Women Tell All. Hopefully this time she won’t be so drunk!

2. Leah

She is known for bringing up controversy on the show for throwing Lauren B. under the bus. She was also shown in the promo getting punched in the face (although that scene was never revealed). The producers know that she is able to bring drama to the show, thus Leah has a pretty darn good chance.

3/4. The twins! Emily and Haley

One of the fans’s favourite duos. Not only do their appearances make the audience really confused, they also brought A LOT of drama. It would be interesting to see if they go on double dates this time or maybe even fight over the same boy?

5. Jubilee

Someone needs to bring diversity to the show! Plus, people love Jubs, her layers and backstory.

6. Caila

She was totally ready to fall in love Ben. That didn’t turn out so well… maybe she will have better luck in paradise?

7. Jennifer

This small business owner may have been seen as more of “the background furniture” of the season but that does not necessary make her bad for TV! She reminds us of Samantha from Season 19 who was not really known in the bachelor but during Bachelor in Paradise…she became the total villain!

8.  Lauren H.

This quirky kindergarten teacher made it far enough through the season that we remember her. She’s kind of that side best-friend character that no one really cares about but likes enough that you don’t mind them hanging around. Just like how the producers won’t mind having her around for BIP.

9. Mandi.

That rose on her head just screams weird…something the producers seems to like. I mean, just look at Ashley S. last season.

10. Olivia

I was tempted to put Amanda here instead of Olivia but Amanda seems like she will miss her kids too much to participate. Olivia on the other hand is every producer’s dream. Chris Harrison even says he wants her on the show. However, Olivia herself said in an interview that she may not want to come back on any bachelor franchise after getting so much hate on social media. But who knows?

Who do you think is going to be on Bachelor In Paradise this summer? Who from the previous seasons do you want to see?