The 12 Zodiac signs are each associated with a certain set of characteristic traits that typically embody who they are. However, there are other traits I have noticed that each sign possesses that are not normally associated with them. Here are my obervations:

ARIES: Smart

If they are not academically smart, they are street smart. Perhaps it comes with them being open-minded to new ideas and their child-like curiosity that they have a lot more knowledge than you’d think.

TAURUS: Approachable and active.

Many Taureans know how to work a room. They tend to be laid back which makes people feel comfortable sharing information with them as they are often known to be nice. They also tend to take their stress out on physical activities like sports or working out. However, once you’ve known them just a bit longer, their chill persona doesn’t always stay and their stubborness will eventaully show.

GEMINI: Caring

Geminis care more than you think. They love deeply and are extremely loyal if they want to be. Its just that sometimes their chitty chatty and easygoing nature make them seem like you are not special.

CANCER: Socialble and hardworking.
Cancers are known to be sensitive and caring. While the caring part is often true, I find that the sensitive part don’t always show right away. Most Cancers I have come across tend to be extremely approachable and great at conversing with others. They tend to be really likeable and often succeed in one particular field that they are passionate about. I would say they are one of the more likeable signs.

LEO: Stubborn and competitive

Leos are known to be the loud and the jealous type but they are also definately not one to give in.

VIRGO: Friendly

Even though they are known to be reserved, more often than not, they are the first to approach a stranger. Most know how to gather a crowd and often form long-lasting relationships with friends and lovers.

LIBRA: Creative

Libras love beautiful things which means they have creative minds to come up with aesthetic displays whether this may be in the form of visual arts, their fashion sense, photography, design and more.

SCORPIO: Talkative

Scorpios can hold a conversation if they are up for it – especially when they have something they want to rant about.


They are very friendly and nice people but once you get close to Sagittarius it seems they are always somewhere else in their head, thinking about something else. They never seem to be 100% present but somehow you still know they are interested or at least they are very good at pretending they are.


Capricorns love to hop on the latest trends – whether it be fashion, technology or social media related. Perhaps they want to prove they figured out something new before other people have.


Aquarians know how to keep their promises and be there for others. They are some of the most supportive friends you can have as they are confident in themselves and are rarely jealous of others.

PISCES: Cliquey

Pisces are known to stick to a crowd. Once they find core friends they like, they don’t really like to let others in. Although, they are generally friendly and nice to everyone.