We’ve all been there…you have an hour to kill before dinner and decide to take a look at social media. Before you know it, you’re scrolling mindlessly through your third grade classmate’s mom’s dog account wondering how you got so deep into the web. Next thing you know, social media is the first thing you check in the morning and the last thing you check at night.

This addiction is quite normalized in the digital age but some have noticedly a drastic decrease in their mental wellbeing and its taken time away from doing other important tasks.

So if you are in the midst of trying to gain more mental energy and time back, here is a easy trick that has proven to be extremely helpful: temporarily delete the account for at least a week.

When you temporarily delete your social media accounts (and might we add start by deleting your favourite one), you are limiting yourself from mindlessly going on social media just because you are bored or because it has become habitual.

It is also important to think of your time away from social media not only as a “break” but as if you’re never going to go back on the platform. This way, your mind will focus not on what you can post in the future but on how you are going to improve your real life in the future.

After a while, you will notice that you don’t really care about what other people are up to all the time. You will also feel more disconnected with others only to realize that the “connection” of likes, comments, or viewing each others stories was not real. Everything else though in your daily life will start to feel more real. You also won’t mind feeling alone and don’t feel pressure to do something all the time just for the sake of sharing it with others. Slowly, you’re going to like yourself a bit more too 🙂

When your extended period is up, you may think you miss social media a lot but only to realize you don’t care as much as you thought. And each time you temporarily delete it, the more and more disconnected you will be with your screen.

Good luck with your journey to a less social media addiction lifestyle!

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