Her name is Brie Larson. You might have recognized her from the Oscar nominated movie Room or her role as Amy Schumer’s sister in Trainwreck.  And now, with her fame beginning to grow, she is being called Hollywood’s new “It Girl”. However, in this year’s February edition of Elle magazine she revealed some personal information about herself that hasn’t been very glamorous.

“When legally I didn’t have to have visitation with him anymore, I jumped on it,” she said about her life after her parent’s divorce at 10 years old. “As a kid I tried to understand him and understand the situation. But he didn’t do himself any favors. I don’t think he ever really wanted to be a parent. It wasn’t until truly recently that I realized that’s why so much of my work was so volatile.”

But despite her past, or maybe because of it, she remains super humble. Further in the interview, she explains what it’s like to be meeting her fellow Oscar nominees:

I  felt like I was hallucinating. Most of those people I’d never met before, so it was like the moment when you’re not at the kid’s table anymore: Wow, not only am I sitting with these legends, but Kate Winslet saw me and ran across the room and grabbed me and with such a beautiful intensity said, ‘I am so fucking excited for you!‘ I love her.”

Awwww we are so exited for you too Brie!

Source: Elle, E! Online