Yes, Taylor has many best friends…like a squad full of 12 people

But we all have that one friend who is our absolute FAVOURITE, and we think Selena is that friend. Here’s the proof:

    1. Taylor has known Selena for 8 years…making her Taylor’s oldest friend in her squad. “A bunch of women I look up to and admire are supporting one another, and Taylor has such a beautiful way of bringing people together. That was good for me, because the more I started working, the more uncomfortable I was. I wouldn’t trust people, and Taylor has a way of stripping down everything and just getting down to being human. I love that.” -Selena

    1. They both dated the JoBros back in the 2000s. “One of my favorite stories with Taylor Swift was when I was going through a very hard breakup. She came to my house at 10:30 at night and knocked on my door. I opened it, and she had two big bags of junk food, cookies, Snickers and soda. She put it on the table, put her laptop on, we made a video, and she told me that now we could look forward to breakups, since we know the other one will get us junk food.” -Selena
    2. Taylor invited Selena to sing with her on tour…twice. Once in 1989 sing “Good For You” and once on Speak Now singing “Who Says”.


    3. Selena played the biggest part, the villain, in “Bad Blood” while everyone else played Taylor’s sidekick. Don’t tell me it was just because Selena looked the most like Katy Perry…
    4. Taylor ALWAYS wishes Selena on her birthday. “Usually this S represents “Swift” but today I’m wearing it because SELENA IS 22!!!!” -Taylor
    5. Selena is always in the middle of the squad, beside Taylor.
    6. They sit beside each other all the time in award shows. They don’t even have to ask…they just get put together.

It is so cool to see these two stick together with each other through thick and thin! #FriendshipGoals

What do you think Straphie girls? Is Selena Taylor’s favourite friend?