The long awaited Bachelorette season is coming back soon! On Tuesday, October 13th to be exact. We finally get a longer look at “Clare’s” Bachelorette season in this new Bachelorette promo. Take a look:

In this trailer, we see some badass moments from Clare already when one of the contestants says “we caught you in a lie”. Is he saying it to another contestant or to Clare herself? After all, she did allegedly talk to her final pick Dale Moss on social media before filming.

Then we see another contestant say “I’m not done here” which upsets Clare to fire back “We ARE done. Get out of here” which seems REALLY intense, even for Bachelorette standards.

Finally, there are a lot of nods to the whole drama surrounding Clare refusing to continue the show with contestant Dale Moss. We see Chris Harrison say “Congratulations, you just blown up the Bachelorette.” So they’re right, we do need Clare-ity as to what actually happened!

So far, fans are still waiting for Tayshia, the Bachelorette that will replace Clare, to make an appearance in the promos. Rumour has it that Clare’s journey will only last 3 episodes in the season.

To keep updated with the latest Bachelorette news, click here.