Sorry Directioners, today is not your day. Apparently Harry Styles might be taken after all. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the youngest Kardashian member believes that the two are dating. In reference to the pictures of them seen on a cruise at St. Barts, she said, “They were hanging out together. Do I think they’re dating? Yes. I don’t know if they’re like boyfriend-girlfriend. Nowadays, I don’t know, people are weird with stuff. So I don’t know their ‘title’. But I mean, they were in St. Barts together hanging out, so to me that’s dating. I would call that dating.”

She added, “I don’t know if they’ve had that talk yet. Do people still have the talk? You need the talk … I don’t believe in assuming what you are. That’s ridiculous.” Great advice Khloe!

Source: People

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