Back in 2016, Ben’s season of The Bachelor aired and his season would be what a lot considered the new era of the Bachelor where contestants would go on the show just to end up as influencers instead of the careers they had in their original Bachelor bio.

One contestant that stood out was Olivia Caridi who got the first impression rose.

The Bachelor' Ben Higgins meets his 28 bachelorettes on night 1 ...

But her strong start quickly lead to her fall from grace when she had multiple instances of stealing Ben first in group dates, an awkward Las Vegas showgirl stint that lead to her meltdown, and most notably, saying that Amanda reminded her of a teen mom because she has two kids which caused OUTRAGE back then.

Girls were becoming increasingly frustrated with Olivia and no surprise, she ultimately became the season’s villain. In week 6, during her two on one date with rival Emily, Olivia was finally eliminated.

Except the bullying didn’t end when she got off the show as she got even more hate when the season aired. During the Women Tell All, Olivia graciously redeemed herself to some audiences by apologizing to Amanda. But was she really the bully? Olivia recalls other girls for making fun of her cankles, mouth, breasts too which lead to all of America doing the same thing. In the midst of Emily’s confrontation, Leah said Emily was bullying Olivia as well but Emily quickly dismissed Leah by saying “that doesn’t matter”‘ and got back to ranting.

To be fair, Olivia didn’t really do much wrong compared to past villains. All she wanted was more time with Ben. She didn’t bother the other contestants intentionally – except for slip of the tongue teen mom comment but social media was sending Olivia hate comments by the thousands whereas the twins and Amanda were praised. The show also ruined Olivia’s career as a broadcaster and she admitted to being suicidal afterwards from all the hate. Now, Olivia has embraced her quirks by starting a podcast called “Mouthing Off” and is a Delta flight attendant who gets to travel around the world. Plus, she is dating someone new so she definitely seem to be happier in 2020 than 4 years ago. It seems the haters owe Olivia an apology which we will hopefully get when Ben’s season re-airs on Monday.