All I Want – you’re optimistic and sometimes naive about love
brutal – you can sometimes be super aggressive but all your anger is valid
traitor – you have been betrayed in a relationship and learned a hard lesson on love but you know it’s for the best because your next relationship would not be bad
drivers license – you are basic and stick to your comfort zone
1 step forward, 3 steps back – you are the sentimental type who is on the verge of a breakup. Likely a swiftie as well
deja vu – you reminisce in the past a bit too much and need to move on
good 4 u – you’re sarcastic, witty, and sometimes bitchy but gets away with it because you’re fun to be around
enough for you – you put your self worth in other people and need to know yourself more to be more confident
happier – you are generally an honest person who knows themselves well. You’re not going to fake wanting your ex to be happy when you know you rather have him be miserable for breaking up with you.
jealousy, jealousy – you need to get off social media and stop comparing yourself
favorite crime – you think of everything as a narrative but you don’t think of yourself as the main character
hope ur ok – you are very sweet and compassionate about other people