American Thanksgiving is coming up and while it may have seemed like a disastrous year for well, the most of the world, there are many blessings that we should acknowledge as we take the time to reflect:

1. More time – our schedules are usually packed, whether it be because of school or work and the fact that Americans have a “work-hard” mentality. Having to spend less time commuting and not having to constantly be out and about gives us more time to focus on other activities, or simply just to take the time to breathe.

Image source: thewealthadvisor

2. Self reflection – Being stuck in quarantine may have given us little opportunity to move forward in life so instead of ignoring or distracting ourselves from unwanted thoughts, we can take the time to truly hear what our inner voice is telling us. This gives us a clearer understanding of who we are, what we are currently satisfied and unsatisfied with which help us determine what we really want in life.

Image source: Robertax |

3. New skills/hobbies – remember when you were a kid and had limited access to do “adult” activities? This is what quarantine felt like. As a result, you probably got creative and even developed skills on your own whether that be painting, knitting, or simply binging more Netflix which is not a bad way to pass time.

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4. Quality time with family – if you are lucky enough to be quarantined with your family, who may sometimes drive you insane, it does make you appreciate that you have people to go to in times of need. It is also a great opportunity to strengthen your bond with your family and get to know them more. Ask them about their past. They may be more interesting than you think!

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5. Humility – If the Pandemic has taught us anything, it is to be grateful. We often take advantage of what we have: our careers, our freedom to go out, to travel, our health, that we became more spoiled and kept wanting better things. The Pandemic taught us that what we had before was actually pretty great.

Image source: yogajournal

6. The environment – One of the positives of people being quarantined is how much it has helped mother nature. There is less pollution due to limited travelling and some animals have even returned to their old living space that humans have took over before.

Image source: CNN

7. Focus on the Present – We were always looking for the next event or vacation to be excited for when really it was just a distraction from what was bothering us or because we wanted to be more fulfilled which is not a good way to cope with your emotions. Instead, resolve your issues in the moment (which will save you from having a breakdown in the future) and appreciate your current situation.

Image source: nsightrecovery

8. Revealed who our real friends are – the people who you thought you were close with that never checked up on you are not your real friends. Instead of wasting weeks or even years of energy on them, you saved that time and can now invest more wisely on those who do care.

Image source: macworld

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