Having trouble concentrating in meetings while working from home? We get it. It’s not the easiest to pay attention when you’re in your comfy pajamas while listening to a faceless voice talk about Q1 revenue forecasts. Here are some unusually effective tips to help you focus:

1. Turn your volume slightly lower than normal.

When your laptop is on a high or normal volume, you may tune out as the voice is audible and begin to daydream, look out the window, or lose concentration. However, if you make your volume a bit lower than normal, you are more likely to focus word for word to try make sense of the conversation. This allows for more active listening than passive.

    2. Have a non-screen distraction.

    For those who get distracted easily, it is pretty much impossible to get through a meeting without wanting to pick up your phone or scroll through your laptop. What is helpful is to distract your hands with another activity such as painting your nails, knitting, playing with a Rubrics cube, bouncing a ball, or making a Rolife house set. These activities are mentally stimulating without requiring much concentration which allows you to still focus on the meeting.

    3. Make a cup of coffee, tea, or special drink before the meeting.

    Coffee is known to boost your concentration – however, if you don’t feel like turning into a coffee addict, getting yourself a nice drink beforehand whether it be tea, juice or pop can be a nice reward for you fully concentrating. This can turn into a placebo effect if you make a drink before a meeting everytime – only if you attempt to fully focus during each session.

    4. Set your room temperature to 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit (21-25 degrees Celsius).

    Studies show that this is the optimatal temperature to concentrate in a classroom. Perhaps you are not at your best because your environment is too hot or too cold. If you are unable to change the room’s temperature, make an attempt to move to a different environment or wear more or less clothing.

    5. Change out of your comfort wear.

    Many of those working remotely are not inclined to change out of their comfort wear. However, this may make you more likely to want to relax and sit back in your chair. Try changing into a pair of jeans or tighter clothing. It may help you mentally distinguish that you are in a working environment.

    Hope these tips help you focus in your next meeting sessions. Let us know what tip you found works!

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