Today is July 23rd which means it is officially Leo season!

Duration: July 23 – August 22

Zodiac Element: Fire

Sign Ruler: Sun

Symbol: Lion

Ruling House: fifth

Colour: Orange, Gold, Red

Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpio

Variable Zodiac Signs: Aquarius

Typical Personality Traits:
Pros: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Cons: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible

Known for (good): 

-in love with life

-born leaders

-difficult to resist


-Able to unite a group of people

-Takes initiatives

Known for (bad):

-Difficult to admit mistakes

-Tends to overpower people around them

-Jealous and competitive

In a relationship:

-goes on dates straight out of a rom-com

-Extremely possessive and jealous

-Shows you off to crowds

-impromptu activities

Leo Celebrities:

  • Actor Daniel Radcliffe, July 23 1989
  • Performer Jennifer Lopez, July 24 1969
  • Pilot Amelia Earhart, July 24 1987
  • Author J.K. Rowling, July 31 1965
  • President Barack Obama, August 4 1961
  • Singer Whitney Houston, August 6 1963
  • Influencer Kylie Jenner, August 10 1997
  • Actor Chris Hemsworth, August 11, 1983
  • Actor Jennifer Lawrence, August 15 1990

To sum it up, Leos are fun and exciting people but may overwhelmingly need too much attention. Happy Birthday Leos!