Olivia Rodrigo’s debut album Sour was just released yesterday, and with it, are some very personal lyrics that surprised even the biggest fans of the former Disney star. Here’s what she revealed:

1. Her boyfriend dated someone 2 weeks after breaking up with her. In “traitor”, Olivia sings she suspected there was something more than a friendship he had with another girl. Even though he didn’t cheat, she feels betrayed by him moving on so fast which wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t emotionally cheating on her.

2. She had a childhood friend who got beaten by her dad. In “hope ur ok”, Olivia sings about a blond boy she once knew that he had to wear long sleeves to cover up the bruises.

3. Her boyfriend was the one who taught her how to drive. He was the inspriation behind “drivers license.”

4. She feels jealous of the people she sees on social media. In “jealousy, jealousy”, Olivia wishes she doesn’t care but she can’t help wanting to be those girls who have perfect bodies, pretty face, and lives that seemingly fantastic life.

5. She feels exploited by the industry. In “brutal”, she sings:
And I’m so tired that I might
Quit my job, start a new life
And they’d all be so disappointed
‘Cause who am I, if not exploited?

This is a reference to the industry overworking her as a young artist whether it’s carrying a TV show or putting out hit singles. It may be an overlooked part of her album, but it is concerning and she may talk about it more in the future.

6. She is miserable as she is not living the expectations of having the best time of her life as a teenager. In “brutal”, she sings:
If someone tells me one more time
“Enjoy your youth,” I’m gonna cry

7. She only has 2 real friends. Again in “brutal,” you’re cool if you have a lot of friends but like many of us, we really are only connected to a few people.

8. She can’t parallel park. Same girl.

9. She doesn’t like the songs she writes. Even with her singles setting world records, sometimes artists are their own biggest critic.

10. She partially blames herself for the breakup. In “favorite crime,” Olivia admits to overlooking red flags in the relationship and allowed bad things to happen.

We love how vulnerable and honest the 18-year-old artist is about her life. She is definitely taking the music industry by storm and we’re here for it!

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